Thank you for your interest in becoming an Expert in this network of Knowledge.
We welcome Experts with more than 20 years of experience. We liaise with a number of businesses seeking Knowledge, and provide a premium service connecting selected businesses with pre-screened Experts. Areas for transfer of Knowledge are given in the pull-down menu. We constantly endeavor to increase these areas of Knowledge.
Your brief "no-name" profile will be posted on the web-site for preliminary perusal by the businesses seeking expertise. When a Business will short-list your profile for further discussions, we will approach you and elicit your interest and your consent to share your detailed profile with the interested Business. The Business will then be encouraged to send in a list of queries broadly highlighting the topic that they wish to discuss with the Expert. A teleconference will subsequently be facilitated by us between the Business & the Expert. It is expected that the Expert will be commensurately compensated for the teleconference, and subsequent engagements. This exchange of Knowledge is envisioned to be beneficial to the Business & to the Expert. By becoming a member of this network you agree to hold in strict confidence your details, and the details of any other Experts that you interact with through this network.
We invite you to contact us through the link given below. We will revert promptly and request you to send in a brief "no-names" profile mentioned above to anupa.joshi@expertstrat.com. Please include keywords highlighting areas of Knowledge which you wish to share.